Details relating to ICU AGM 2023

The AGM will be held on Sunday, September 24th at 4pm in the Stillorgan Talbot Hotel, Co. Dublin.

In order for the motions and nominations to be made available to the membership at least four weeks before the AGM, as required by the Constitution (article 7.2), the closing date for the receipt of motions and nominations will be end of day Tuesday, August 22nd. Proposed motions and nominations for the Executive Committee should be emailed to [email protected]. These motions will then be reviewed with full details of motions published by Sunday, 27th August. Nominations for Executive positions will also be published.

Members are advised to read Articles 7, 9 and 10 of the constitution.

Relating to Article 7.6 - "fully paid members of the Union" refers only to 2022-23 members who have their 2022-23 subscription paid before the publication of motions and nominations.

Created 2023-07-10 ◦ Last updated 2023-08-16 ◦ Editor JF

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