Below, the terms "privileged user" or "privileged access" in the context of this website means certain ICU officers (usually the chairman, secretary, treasurer, rating officer and webmaster) and in the context of the ICU ratings website it means the rating officer, webmaster and all tournament reporters.
A small amount of data (ID, name, gender, YOB, federation, chess title and club) is made publicly available for all records in the main ICU database in the player list.
To see the your full profile, login to this website and then either
Unless you have privileged access, you can only view your own full profile and not those of other players.
In the case of the ratings website, summary data on your tournaments and results is publicly available. Detailed calculations relating to your ICU rating are available to any ICU member who logs in. Information that can help identify you, such as your DOB (copied to the ratings database from the main ICU database) is available to privileged users.
The names and clubs of members who have paid a subscription for the current and previous few seasons are listed publicly in Subscribed Members, and there's also a public list of Life Members, containing names, titles and clubs.
You can update some of the data we store about if you have a login account. See Change your Club or Contact Details for further information.
Players must supply their full date of birth (DOB) when they become an ICU member. It will be used for identification (when players have similar names), rating K-factors, junior and veteran eligibility and passed on to FIDE (and stored in their database) when the rating officer registers players with them.
Only year of births (YOBs) are displayed publicly on the ICU websites but DOBs are available to users with privileged access. This is a similar policy to the one FIDE operate for their website.
You may, if you insist, ask us to remove your DOB from the ICU and FIDE databases. Between 2004 and 2014, two people made such a request.
If you supply any of your phone numbers (home, mobile or work) we will store them in the ICU database and may use them to contact you. They will not be published publicly on the web site but will be made available to privileged users. Those users may pass on your phone number(s) to other people involved in chess organisation (for example, tournament controllers) if they need to contact you urgently. If you never want the ICU to contact you by phone then don't supply any numbers or delete the numbers that are already stored for you.
There is one exception to the rule that telephone numbers are never displayed publicly on the website and that is if you become an ICU officer. By default, in that case, all your numbers are displayed on the Officers & Contact Details page. If you don't want all (or even any of) your numbers to be displayed there, then there are two solutions.
As an ICU officer, it's preferable that you make at least one phone number publicly available for ICU members to call you.
Your contact email address (the one in your profile) is only available to privileged users. Unlike phone numbers, your email address won't normally be published publicly if you become an ICU officer because personal email addresses are not used to contact officers. Instead the ICU uses a set of generic addresses ending in (such as each of which relays messages to the incumbent without their personal address having to be listed on the website.
ICU mail relaying is provided by an external service and if that service is down or there are other problems with it then the personal emails of officers may appear on the contacts page. If this ever happens it will be in exceptional circumstances and should be temporary.
You can set, update or delete your contact email via Edit Profile.
Login email addresses are not published publicly. Passwords are stored in encrypted form so there is no password reminder service. If you forget your password, please email the webmaster and request a reset. Send the message from your login email or supply your season ticket.
Our payment processor is Stripe. When you enter your details and click the Pay button, the sensitive data (card number, expiry date and security code) is sent straight to their servers. Only your name, email and the details of what you purchased are stored in the ICU database. More information about Stripe: