Germany Ireland Blitz Competition

Jonathan O'Connor


If you want to be included in a what's app group, then please email your phone number to me so I can add you to the group.

I need to know if you have booked flights and accommodation. That means you will, almost certainly, be going! If you can't go, please let me know too.

If you don't want to share your phone number, then please send an email letting me know if you are still coming.


Thomas Weischede, the president of the Emanuel Lasker Gesellschaft, would like to hold a series of events for German and Irish players. To get the series off the ground, he proposes an Irish-German blitz match, to be played in Berlin on the eve of St. Patrick's Day in 2024.

It will be played in the wonderful World Chess Club, which is close to the historic Brandenburg Gate. The 2022 World Cup was also played here.

If you would be interested in playing, please click to enter.


If you haven't already, please book flights and accommodation. The venue is the World Chess Club, 26-30 Unter den Linden, near the Brandenburg Gate. If you search for hotels and AirBnBs in Mitte, you'll get reasonable deals.

There are 2 flights on Friday from both AerLingus and Ryanair. If you have the time, take the morning flight, as the evening flight arrives too late for the welcome party on Friday evening.

The simplest way to get from the airport to the centre is to take an S-Bahn from the airport. Google maps will be your friend. You may need to change to a tram, bus or U-Bahn depending on where you are staying.


Friday 19:00 Welcome reception in the World Chess Club. Guests will be offered a specially designed cocktail, the Grace O'Malley, as well as finger food.

Saturday 11:00 - 18:00 Blitz tournament in the World Chess Club. 18:00 - 18:30 Prize giving ceremony with the Irish Ambassador to Germany. 19:00 Dinner in a local restaurant.

Sunday Sight seeing with local chess players.

There is no charge for the reception on Friday or the tournament, but a small contribution would be very welcome. Your donation can be made on the Saturday.

Dinner is at your own cost.

Created 2024-01-01 ◦ Last updated 2024-01-03 ◦ Editor JOC

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