Event Report now Available.
This Article is for Anyone Interested in Participating in the FIDE 100 Guinness World Record Attempt in Drogheda on 20th July 2024.
Information here is more up to date than the flyer.
10am - 5pm, Sat 20th July
Units G1 & 2. Scotch Hall Shopping Centre, Drogheda, A92 D458
See Google Maps | GWR Website | FIDE100 Website | ICU Events Page
The 20th of July is International Chess Day and the birthday of FIDE. To help celebrate its 100th Anniversary, FIDE has organised a worldwide Guinness World Record attempt for the most chess games played in 24 hours. All over the world, at the time of writing, 201 in-person events from 53 countries are registered. Some are serious tournament; others are just for fun. Yet despite being the home of the beloved drink, there are (to our knowledge) no events planned in Ireland!
The Drogheda Chess Club intends to correct that with a full day of chess in Scotch Hall Shopping Centre. From 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., all games played in this public event will count towards setting the global record. Members of Drogheda Chess Club will be participating, and we hope to attract members of the public passing by to add a game to the record as well. In doing so, the club hopes to increase public awareness and interest in chess as well as help set the global record.
We invite anyone interested to attend, play, and be a part of history.
The Event
It should first be emphasised that this is a casual event. There will be no rated games or prizes.
The aim of the event is to add games to the global record and publicise chess in Ireland. The event will be public, and we hope to encourage members of the public to participate. However, if you like the idea of a fun day out playing chess in Drogheda's premier shopping centre, we encourage you to come along!
There are no requirements in skill level (everyone from beginners to grandmasters can participate) or the amount of time you stay. You can come to the venue at any time and play any number of games, and all of these will count towards the record. All equipment will be provided.
Units G1 & 2. of Scotch Hall Shopping Centre, Drogheda. The units (pictured) are on the ground floor, close to the main entrance which we hope will draw attention. Click here for a map with their exact location in the shopping centre.
Activities & Formats
Being a public event with an emphasize on participation and fun, the organisation of activities will be flexible. At the moment we hope to run several formats throughout the day to cater to different people. This could change depending on turnout and participation.
Simultaneous Exhibitions: Members of the Drogheda Chess Club will stage simultaneous exhibitions against all comers. These are primarily aimed at members of the public but ICU members can participate if they wish.
Rapid (10+5): All-Day (10am-5pm). Up to 14 Rounds, with a lunch break. Two sections: Open & U1700/Unrated. Join and play as many rounds as you like when you like.
Blitz (5+3): Morning (10am-1pm) & Afternoon (1:30pm-5pm). Up to 14 Rounds each. One Open section. Join and play as many rounds as you like when you like.
All the games played in these formats will count towards the Record. Participants can register for multiple formats and dip in and out throughout the day if they wish. The exact number of rounds in each format is not set. It depends on time, to ensure we finish by 5pm, so there maybe fewer rounds.
As this is a fun, casual, and public event, there is no entry fee and no requirement to register in advance. You do not have to join from the beginning or play until the end. However, if ICU members do intend to come along at any point in the day and participate, we would kindly ask that you "register" in whichever section on the Event Page you are interested in. This will give us an idea of how many are planning to attend throughout the day and will speed up the rounds as we will have most peoples' names entered in advance.
Travel Times for Commuters
35-65 min by Bus or Train from Dublin City Centre.
Scotch Hall is 10 min walk from Drogheda Bus Station and 15 min walk from Drogheda Train Station.
46 min by Car, from Dublin City Centre.
From M50, 28 min by Car.
Parking on premise.
Questions & Answers
Q. Why are there no rated games or prizes?
A. The decision to not rate these games is threefold. First, all games will be played close to a public foyer and will be open to public spectators. Therefore, there will be a noise factor to consider. Second, we are aiming for a fun, relaxed atmosphere throughout the day, and we believe this is best achieved when players know there is no downside to losing! Finally, members of the public will be participating.
There will be no entry fee or prizes, as, in addition to the games not being rated, we cannot predict the turnout for such a unique event. We would hope that being a part of a global Guinness World Record attempt is a prize in itself!
Q. Why is the Rapid divided into an Open & U1700?
A. Depending on the turnout of ICU members on the day, we will divide the Rapid into an Open section and an U1700 section where members of the public can join. We hope this will match similar chess playing level. Otherwise the sections will be amalgamated.
Q. Why is the Blitz just an Open?
A. With so many rounds we believe one Open section is fine, as after a few short rounds, players will quickly find themselves playing others of a similar chess playing level.
Further Questions?
If you have any further inquires as to the specifics of the event, please contact us at [email protected]
Chief Organiser: Frank Pentony and the Drogheda Chess Club organising committee.
Chief Arbiter: John Loughran
Arbiters: Frank Pentony, Krzysztof Nowak, Pat Scanlan