Gonzaga Charity CLassic 2025

The sports hall in Gonzaga College provided bright airy spacious conditions for players and spectators alike. There were eight live boards in each section, linked below.
Report - Prizes and links to games on live boards
1st , Matthew Turner , 4.5 /5 , €650
2nd , Ante Saric , 4.5 /5 , €350
=3rd-6th , Shrook Wafa , 3.5 /5 , €66
=3rd-6th , Jacob Flynn , 3.5 /5 , €66
=3rd-6th , Colm Daly , 3.5 /5 , €66
Grading U 2050 , Malo McDermott , 3.0 /5 , €80
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1st , Mikhailo Kapechun , 5.5 /6 , €350
2nd , Josef Omarsson , 5.0 /6 , €200
=3rd-4th , Yannick Woods , 4.5 /6 , €60
=3rd-4th , Cian Bergin , 4.5 /6 , €60
Grading U 1750 , Elias Faustino Lawlor , 4.0 /6 , €70
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=1st-3rd , Eamon Kerney , 5.0 /6 , €173
=1st-3rd , Bradley Woolfenden , 5.0 /6 , €173
=1st-3rd , Hugh Burke , 5.0 /6 , €173
Grading U 1600 , Shay Scott , 4.0 /6 , €60
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1st , Shane Corry , 5.5 /6 , €200
=2nd-7th , Igor Kramek , 5.0 /6 , €50
Grading U 1400, =2nd-7th , Tina Gao , 5.0 /6 , €50
=2nd-7th Aayan Prabith , 5.0 /6 , €50
=2nd-7th Clemens Dahmen , 5.0 /6 , €50
=2nd-7th , Charles Ridgeway , 5.0 /6 , €50
Grading Unrated, =2nd-7th , Aiden Thomas Boby , 5.0 /6 , €50
Grading U 1300 , Hugh O'Connor , 4.0 /6 , €50
Pictured right is a proud Aayan Prabith who tied with five others for 2nd - 7th place in the Challengers.
Receiving Prizemoney
Each prize winner will receive an envelope noting their place and winnings, with a slip to return to the organizer with their Section, Prize, Name, Bank, IBAN and BIC. Alternately they can email this information to the organizer at who will then send them their winnings by bank transfer.
The 20th annual charity Gonzaga Chess Classic took place in the college grounds from the 17th to the 19th of January. This year's entry was just under 200, including over 20 female players as well as participation from parents. The prize fund was over €3,100! Each section had live digital boards which has been a great addition for the last 2 years.
The format consisted of 5 rounds in the Masters section and 6 rounds in the Championship, Majors and Challengers section. The turnout of players was excellent including titled players (2 GMs, 1 WGM, 1 IM, 4 FMs, 2 WFMs, 3 CMs) as well as numerous 1900+ players. We welcomed players from various federations, including Croatia, Iceland, England, Turkey, Brazil, Urkaine, Sri Lanka, India, Lithuania, Germany, France, China, Poland, Scotland, Vietnam, Egypt as well as all corners of Ireland
A great weekend was had by all. As always, all proceeds from the tournament go to charity.

The picture taken in round 4 shows Hong Nhung Nguyen (VIE) who did well in the Master's section. Behind her is Kristina Saric, and also Lukian Hushpit doing battle with Alex Goss. Nhung was playing newly awarded WFM Maryna Petrenko (UKR), both living in Ireland.
Organisers and Arbiters
Ursula McCague, Ivan Baburin, Henry Williams, Elma Suthan, Andrew Kelly and John Loughran. Equipment supplied by the ICU and Coláiste Éanna, thanks to Desmond Beatty.