ICU Website Opens Up

Mark Orr


Apart from a few exceptions, all parts of the website are publically accessible from March 2007 until further notice. For ordinary ICU members, this means that logins will no longer be required to view ratings, articles and most other content. However, website editors and committee members with access to private data will continue to require logins (and PINs).

Members can still login

Current ICU member who have website accounts may, if they wish, continue to login to access the site. Apart from the display of the member's name in the top right corner, the extra features that logging-in makes available are:

The My Rating link
When a member logs-in the site is aware of their identity and so can provide a link (under the Ratings category on the left) straight to the member's rating data. Without a login, this link will not appear, but members can still view their rating history (see below).
The Edit Preferences link
Edit Preferences is a link that appears under Members after logging-in and allows members to choose between the default dark style of the site or the alternative light style. The chosen preference is currently stored with login account details and in the absence of a login the site uses the default style.
Voting is only available to logged-in members.

Displaying ratings without logging in

The My Rating link is convenient but won't appear without a login. So how can a member still view their rating history without logging in? Click Ratings on the left, then click List Ratings. This lists all the ratings in a given list (by default, the latest list). Scroll down the list for your name or search using the form provided at the top. When you find your name, click your rating and your whole rating history will be displayed.


PIN numbers, which are issued to members when they join each season, are still required for keeping a website login active or registering a new one. However, if a member doesn't care about the small number of extra features logging in now provides, they don't need to login and therefore don't need a PIN number.

If a member does want to login they will need a PIN number, so they must be subscribed to the ICU. In future seasons members are recommended to subscribe online to avoid any hassle. In practice it has proved a challenge for the membership officer to consistently acknowledge postal subscriptions with the correct ICU and PIN numbers. In contrast, online subscriptions mean less work for all concerned and are much more reliable and efficient.

Created 2007-03-07 ◦ Last updated 2014-07-23 ◦ Editor MO

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