Leinster Championships 2008

Pat Fitzsimons

The annual Leinster Chess Championships took place just after Christmas in Wynn’s Hotel Dublin. 66 players took part in the event. 17 year old David Fitzsimons followed up his win in the City of Dublin Championships the by winning the Masters Section of the Leinster Championships outright with a score of 4½/6 just ahead of IM Gavin Wall who finished as runner up on 4/6. Tony Fox finished in third place on 3½/6. The Majors Section was won outright by Stephen Moran on a score of 4½/6. Stephen's final point was secured with a win over Semyon Mkrtchyan in round 6 with just 24 seconds left on his clock ! There was a 4 way tie for 2nd - 5th place in the Majors with Tim McCarthy, Semyon, Marian Hotak and Liam Porter all finishing on 4/6. The Challengers Section was also keenly fought with three players finishing on 4½/6. Andrew Rodger finished first on tie break from Pat Coleman and Niall Whelan. Brendan Cuffe and Sean MacGowan finished 1st and second respectively in the Juniors Section, with Niall Mooney and Daniel Hurley in joint third. The winner of the Novices event was Wicklow Chess Club's Jake Maguire. Independent Dublin City Councillor, Maureen O’ Sullivan presented the prizes at the event.

Cross-tables: Challengers, Major, Masters.

Councillor Maureen O' Sullivan presenting a prize to David Fitzsimons, winner of the masters section, Leinster Championships
Councillor Maureen O' Sullivan presenting a prize to Stephen Moran, winner of the majors section, Leinster Championships
Councillor Maureen O' Sullivan presenting Brendan Cuffe, winner of the juniors section, Leinster Championships, 2008
Councillor Maureen O' Sullivan presenting Andrew Rodger, winner of the challengers section, Leinster Championships
Above, Councillor Maureen O'Sullivan presenting the prizes to (clockwise from top left) David Fitzsimons (Masters), Stephen Moran (Majors), Andrew Rodger (Challengers) and Brendan Cuffe (Juniors). Below, Rory Delaney (right) with Jake Maguire, winner of the Novices.
Rory Delaney presenting a prize to Jake Maguire, winner of the novices section, Leinster Championship

Created 2009-01-09 ◦ Last updated 2014-07-23 ◦ Editor MO

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