St Benildus Charity Blitz Event

Kevin Burke

The St Benildus Charity Blitz will take place on 16th March.

Registration will open at 7:15, with the aim of getting underway by 8pm. Entries are limited to 64 players.

We reckon the group stage will be over by 10pm, with the final finished by 11pm.

Entry is €15 waged/€10 unwaged. All proceeds go to charity with an even split between the Simon Community and the Samaritans – any additional donations are of course welcome. There’ll be lots of spot prizes on offer as always.

The usual time handicaps will apply - handicapped according to rating up to a max of 2 minutes versus 8.

Created 2016-02-22 ◦ Last updated 2016-02-23 ◦ Editor JMM

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