ZPR Senior Invitational

John McMorrow

Games from this event can be played through here.

During the process of sourcing sponsors for our major events - the ICU were offered the opportunity to run an 8-player Irish 65+ event. This event will be run from July 17th to July 23rd in Buswells Hotel, Dublin 2. The chief sponsor is ZPR and we are very grateful for their contribution. We would like to single out Tim Harding who was particularly helpful in making all of this happen.

The participants are (in alphabetical order):

Ray Byrne

Paul Cassidy

Patrick Daly

Colm Egan

Tim Harding

Eamon Keogh

Frank McMahon

Jim Murray

The arbiter for the event will be Ivan Baburin and it will run daily from 10am with the following time controls: 40 moves in 90 minutes, 30 minutes for the rest of the game with 30 second increment from 1st move.

The participants were selected based on their rating in the May 2016 FIDE rating list.

We wish all the competitors the best of luck and hope many of you will pop in to see the games!

If you would like to find out more about recent senior events, please read the following:

Final Report on the 65+ World Senior Team Championship 2016. The Irish team that traveled to this event in Dreseden was the first 65+ Irish team to travel to a major event - four of that team will play in this event. Tim also had a report published on World Chess about the event.

FIDE Senior Team chess events in 2016

Irish Veterans Championship

Created 2016-07-11 ◦ Last updated 2016-07-17 ◦ Editor JMM

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