3-Day Online Webinar by FM Tarun and WIM Trisha

Nandita (ICU Junior Officer)

Tarun and Trisha are conducting an Online Lecture for Junior Chess Players on 8th April till 10th April. This Lecture is live and interactive. The topic of the lecture is Believe the Unbelievable.

The lecture will be on Zoom. You need to download Zoom App. It is available on IOS, Android, MacOS and Windows.

Here are the links for the Lectures:

Topic: Believe the Unbelievable - Day 1
Time: Apr 8, 2020 05:00 PM Dublin

Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/152986870?pwd=MWlXbnhpMVJwVHM2bnZjTktYTTBmZz09

Meeting ID: 152 986 870
Password: 367801

Topic: Believe the Unbelievable - Day 2
Time: Apr 9, 2020 05:00 PM Dublin

Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/714331212?pwd=K0FUdnZlbUpzcWFBYlF0L2tpTkJZUT09

Meeting ID: 714 331 212
Password: 720330

Topic: Topic: Believe the Unbelievable - Day 3
Time: Apr 10, 2020 05:00 PM Dublin

Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/960805400?pwd=RDVHK0FwS2NDeXN5Mk1Lc3BONW82QT09

Meeting ID: 960 805 400
Password: 186284

Created 2020-04-06 ◦ Last updated 2020-04-07 ◦ Editor NK

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