Saint- Lô International Chess Festival 2018

Location Saint- Lô, France
Start date 2018-07-07
End date 2018-07-14
Flyer plaquette2018miniEN.compressed.pdf
Category Junior International

Invited player places subject to selection, selection expected in early May. To be included in the list for selection, please confirm your "availability for selection and to play" by entering below before May 16th (extended from 10/4 on 22/4). If your situation changes and you are no longer available, please advise [email protected] immediately.


2157 FM Peter Carroll

1990 Luke Scott

1952 WFM Diana Mirza

1918 James Kavanagh

1806 Utkarsh Gupta

1619 Mark David Tonita

1087 Aliseo Mancosu

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