Location | Carrickdale Hotel and Spa, Co. Louth |
Start date | 2019-07-21 |
End date | 2019-07-21 |
Sections | Rapid, Blitz, Rapid & Blitz |
Contact | Ross Harris, 07796172227 |
Flyer | UCU-ICU_Rapid_and_Blitz_Flyer.pdf |
Category | Irish |
Notes | |
Online entry is available below.
If you are not an ICU member - you can enter here. It may take a day or two for your name to be added to entry list. Include FIDE/ICU ID, correct amount, name, contact details. Rapid Start Time : 10.30am (sharp) Blitz Start Time : 4pm (sharp) |
2139 CM Andrey A. Ivanov
1681 Owen Johnston
1162 Dexter Harris
700 Gemma Mulholland
2179 Oisin O'Cuilleanain
1162 Dexter Harris
2058 Daniil Zelenchuk
1833 Andrzej Wesolowski
1780 Ben Pourmozafari
1780 James Wong
1696 Adam Rushe
1578 Colin Keenan
1243 Dante Arroyo
761 Cathal Power
700 Diarmuid Power