Northern Quadrangular 2019

Location Liverpool
Start date 2019-12-07
End date 2019-12-08
Sections U16, U14
Contact Development Officer - Junior Internationals
Flyer quad_letter_2019.doc
Category Junior International

Subject to ICU selection, please register availability for selection by "entering" below.

Ireland invited to send 6 U16s and 5 U14s to Liverpool College for the Quadrangular Vs Scotland, Wales, N. & Mid- England on Saturday\Sunday 7\8 December. Saturday arrive by 1300 and departure from around 1230 on the Sunday.

The selectors reserve the right to select those registered at U14 for the U16 team.

Register your expression of interest by 18th October 2019


U16 3 entries

2222 FM Kavin Venkatesan

2146 Oisin O'Cuilleanain

1806 Utkarsh Gupta

U14 10 entries

2065 Patryk Brozynski

2028 Leon Putar

1893 Lara Putar

1758 Thomas Cooney

1750 Eric Wang

1576 Luke Thornton

1458 Andrew Finnerty

1261 Richard Sheahan

1069 Diana Bueckert

797 Lucy Bueckert

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