29th Annual Cork Congress - 1st Online Cork Congress

Location Online Lichess
Start date 2020-10-02
End date 2020-10-04
Sections Master (>1600), Majors (1200-1600), Minors (<1200)
Contact Mark Watkins, 0861734757
Flyer Cork_Congress_2020_Flyer_(1).pdf
Category Irish

Please see attached flyer for details.

Six Round Swiss System for all sections. 45 minutes per player for all moves + 30 seconds increment from move 1.

This is an online tournament organised by Cork Chess Club. Do not come to Cork to play. Players may request to play up a section, this decision is at the discretion of the tournament controller and organising committee. Section entry will be based on ICU and FIDE ratings. Games will not be rated by ICU or FIDE. Section rating bands may be adju


Master (>1600) 9 entries

2146 Oisin O'Cuilleanain

2131 Aidan Rawlinson

2113 Benjamin Murray

2096 Sean J. Murphy

1969 Thomas Junior Dunne

1938 John Healy

1933 CM Tim Harding

1671 Jonathan D. Smith

1664 Tom O'Sullivan

Majors (1200-1600) 11 entries

2143 Jason Liu

1964 James Qin

1903 Niall Fitzgerald

1815 Martin Fitzgerald

1789 Niki Mullins

1752 Denis O'Connell

1732 Hubert Machowski

1686 Barry Foran

1565 Robin Johnson

1457 Michael Burniston

1093 David Cunningham

Minors (<1200) 13 entries

2002 George Stack

1619 Denis Lynch

1602 Scott Reilly

1568 David Racz

1418 Tom Joshua Philip

1207 Kyle Milligan

983 Karl Brophy

909 Hassan Syed Muhammad

700 Paul Anderson

566 Carter Nolan

Adhvaith Divakaran

Anaus Syed Muhammad

Jwalant Barot

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