Location | Zoom online, St Conleth's college live |
Start date | 2023-08-14 |
End date | 2023-08-25 |
Contact | Alex Baburin, 0879682378 |
Category | Juniors only |
Notes | |
GM Alexander Baburin will two camps this August, one online and one in person. Learning and playing chess online is very easy, so don't dismiss the online option. To learn more about these camps and to enrol, please use our Google forms: 14-18 August camp in St Conleth’s College: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf1gwpIrv_FqziFld5tBwKMIJq8H_APAOTINQXxFdk2x9UcYQ/viewform 21-25 August online camp: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdR8ZsH9TvuhQnvtktJKhBHbDJSkJnjLf5awwXQmCCokeVwrQ/viewform |