Location | Colaiste Eanna, Ballyboden, Co.Dublin |
Start date | 2024-04-06 |
End date | 2024-04-07 |
Contact | Ivan Baburin, 0877553834 |
Flyer | National_Arbiters_Training_Course.pdf |
Category | Irish |
Notes | |
A 2 day course for applicants wishing to obtain training for being an arbiter in Ireland. Please see flyer for schedule. Participants will need to bring pen, paper and a laptop with charger and extension lead. Half price for participants who have already attended an NA course. |
2132 FM John Delaney
1919 Oissine Murphy
1904 Gabor Bolkeny
1848 Panagiotis Papadopoulos
1840 Eibhia Ni Mhuireagain
1819 David McCann
1794 Anthony McMahon
1793 Niall O'Higgins
1770 Vitali Baranouski
1753 Krzysztof Nowak
1732 Paul Ryan
1704 Jacob Barron
1584 Frank Pentony
1488 Sean Reinhardt
1466 Carl Peralta
1448 Paul O'Connor