Location | St. Sylvesters GAA Club, 2 Church Road, Malahide, Co. Dublin |
Start date | 2024-06-24 |
End date | 2024-06-24 |
Sections | Open |
Contact | Vincent Bissett, 0861053202 |
Category | Irish |
Notes | |
Start time: Play starts at 8pm. Format: 8 rounds, swiss format Blitz. Time control: 3 minutes + 2 second increment. Maximum entry: 50 players. Cash entries will be taken up to 7:50pm on the night if the maximum entry has not been reached. All welcome. |
2217 CM Jacob Flynn
2179 Oisin O'Cuilleanain
2151 Patryk Brozynski
2139 CM Andrey A. Ivanov
2074 Ben Sheahan
2040 Conor O'Reilly
1967 Gavin Sheahan
1949 Jacob Nelson
1921 Alex Goss
1887 Elias Faustino Lawlor
1875 Beckett Spence
1862 Kevin McGrane
1859 Paul Taaffe
1828 Gerard Buckley
1815 Aarav Kesare
1815 Vincent Bissett
1806 Anastasiya Kelbas
1789 Kenny Perkin
1732 Finn Cummins
1727 John Shearan
1708 Joe O'Hanlon
1663 Kevin Huang
1635 Gerard O'Reilly
1574 Alexey Marchenko
1471 Declan Buckley
1424 Leo Latorre
1421 Antoin Mullen
1408 Cathal Diskin
1315 Rohan Jayavarapu
832 Alvis Krasevskis