Location | Dublin - TBC |
Start date | 2025-02-01 |
End date | 2025-03-30 |
Sections | Open |
Category | Irish |
Notes | |
3-day high-level coaching with GM Jacob Aagaard planned for Feb/March 2025 in Dublin. This coaching is open to all players rated 1900. Cost will be confirmed soon. Schedule: 6pm-9pm on Friday, 11am-2pm and 3.30pm-6.30pm on Saturday and Sunday. |
2402 IM Tarun Kanyamarala
2242 FM Kavin Venkatesan
2220 WIM Trisha Kanyamarala
2217 CM Jacob Flynn
2213 WGM Shrook Wafa
2192 CM Adam Collins
2151 Patryk Brozynski
2139 CM Andrey A. Ivanov
2131 Jason Liu
2117 Pratik Mulay
2054 Oliver Barnes
2051 Laurin Perkampus
2040 Conor O'Reilly
2003 Sarah Scott
1991 Harry Braine
1953 Gabriel Landmark
1946 WCM Antonina Gora
1934 Declan Voogt
1914 Alkim Alper Fil