Location | Gonzaga College SJ, Sandford Road, Ranelagh, Dublin 6. |
Start date | 2019-04-05 |
End date | 2019-04-07 |
Sections | Championship |
Contact | ICU Tournament Officer |
Event website | chess-results.com/tnr428681.aspx?lan=1 |
Pairings URL | chess-results.com/tnr428681.aspx?lan=1&art=3&rd=1 |
Live Games URL | view.livechesscloud.com/8f8ee5b9-650c-4961-bfc9-1caaec80f54b |
Flyer | The_National_Club_Championships_2019.pdf |
Category | Irish |
Notes | |
This will be a 5 round event to decide Ireland’s National Club Champion and our allotment of places for the European Club Championships. The entry fee will be 50 euro per team for one week, then rise to 75 euro. |
2181 FM Colm Daly
2003 Sarah Scott
1979 John McMorrow
1958 Anthony Fox
1956 Thomas Junior Dunne
1930 Sam O'Neill
1912 Kevin A. Burke
1796 Pat Fitzsimons