Baburin, Alexander (2526)
Jessel, Stephen (2294)
Irish Championship 2008, Dublin IRL, 2008,
Annotator: Baburin, Alexander
[Event "Irish Championship 2008"]
[Site "Dublin IRL"]
[Date "2008.07.11"]
[Round "7"]
[White "Baburin, Alexander"]
[Black "Jessel, Stephen"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "2526"]
[BlackElo "2294"]
[ECO "D30"]
[Annotator "Baburin, Alexander"]
[ICUid "29148"]
1. d4 e6 2. c4 d5 3. Nf3 c6 4. e3 Nf6 5. Bd3 Nbd7 6. O-O Bd6 7. Nbd2 O-O 8.
e4 e5 9. cxd5 cxd5 10. exd5 exd4 11. Ne4 Nxe4 12. Bxe4 Nf6 13. Bg5 Be7 14.
Bc2 Nxd5 15. Bxe7 Qxe7 16. Re1 Qf6 17. Qd3 (17. Qxd4 Be6 18. Bb3 Nc7 19.
Qxf6 gxf6 20. Nd4 Bxb3 21. Nxb3 Rfe8 22. Rxe8+ Rxe8 23. Kf1 $14 { Baburin -
K. Szabo, Triesen 2007. }) 17... g6 18. Qxd4 { My idea was that here Black
can't play 18...Be6 - the black queen won't have support of the g-pawn.
However, the pawn can be useful on g6 as limits White's pieces. } 18...
Qxd4 19. Nxd4 b6 $1 20. Be4 Bb7 21. Nb5 Rfd8 22. Rac1 Rd7 23. Red1 $2 Rad8
$1 $15 24. Kh1 Nb4 25. Rxd7 Rxd7 26. Bxb7 Rxb7 27. a3 Nd3 28. Rc2 Re7 29.
h3 a6 30. Nd4 Re1+ 31. Kh2 Rb1 32. b3 a5 33. Rc6 Nxf2 34. Rxb6 a4 $138 35.
Rb4 (35. b4) 35... axb3 36. Rxb3 Ra1 37. Re3 Rd1 38. Nf3 f5 39. Kg3 Nd3 (
39... Ne4+ 40. Kf4 $11) 40. Re8+ $138 (40. Re7) 40... Kf7 41. Rd8 f4+ 42.
Kh4 (42. Kh2 $1) 42... Kf6 43. a4 $2 { Diagram # How should Black deal with
the pin on the d-file? } (43. Rd4 $1) 43... Nb2 $2 (43... Ne1 $3 { John
Redmond mentioned that move after the game. } 44. Rxd1 (44. Nd2 $1 { and
White should be able to hold. }) 44... Nxg2+ 45. Kg4 h5#) 44. Rxd1 Nxd1 45.
Kg4 $1 (45. a5 Ne3 46. Ne1 h5 47. g4 fxg3 48. Kxg3) 45... Nc3 46. a5 Nd5
47. Nd2 h5+ 48. Kf3 Kf5 (48... g5 49. Ke4 $5) 49. h4 (49. a6 g5) 49... g5
50. hxg5 Kxg5 51. a6 h4 52. Nc4 Nc7 53. a7 Na8 $138 (53... Kf5 54. Nb6 Ke5
(54... Kg5 55. Nd5) 55. a8=Q Nxa8 56. Nxa8 Kf5 57. Nb6 Kg5 58. Nc4 h3 59.
gxh3 Kh4 60. Kg2 f3+ 61. Kh2 f2 62. Ne3) 54. Ne5 Kf5 55. Nd3 Nc7 (55... Ke6
56. Nxf4+ Kd6 57. Kg4 Kc6 58. Kxh4 Kb7 59. Nd5 Kxa7 60. g4 Kb7 61. g5 Kc6
62. g6) 56. Nxf4 Na8 57. Nd5 Kg5 (57... Ke5 58. Ne3 Kd4 59. Kg4 Kxe3 60.
Kxh4 $18) 58. Ne3 Nb6 59. Ke4 Na8 60. Kd5 Kf4 61. Nf1 (61. Kc6 Kxe3 62. Kb7
Kf2 63. Kxa8 Kxg2 64. Kb8 h3 65. a8=Q+ $18) 1-0
Thanks to Chess Tempo for the Pgn Game player.