Annual General Meeting

Reminder: The Annual General Meeting of the ICU will take place on Sunday 28 September in the Kilmainham Hilton Hotel, Dublin. The meeting will start at 3 pm; to try to ensure a prompt start, members are requested to arrive at 2.30 so that their membership status can be checked. The Agenda and supporting documents are available to current members, as specified in the Constitution.

Note that, in accordance with the Constitution (article 7.6), voting will be restricted to members who were paid-up on the date that the notice of the meeting was placed on the website, which was 31 August - whether the payment was for 2013-14 or 2014-15. In addition, anybody who has paid in September before the meeting will be able to attend but not vote.

As already announced, the AGM will be preceded by the Irish Blitz Championship, starting at 11.45 a.m. The Irish Rapidplay Championship will take place in the same venue on Saturday 27 September, starting at midday.

Created 2014-08-30 ◦ Last updated 2014-09-23 ◦ Editor PM

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