New Chess Club in Kilrush

For almost 8 years now, writes Connie Danaher, we have had a very busy chess club in West Clare in Knockerra Hall. This club is primarily a juniors club and has up to 50 regular junior chess players. Many parents and other chess playing adults have asked about setting up an adult chess club and so one has finally been set up and been running for the last six weeks. We meet in the relaxed environment of the Haven Arms Bar in Kilrush every Sunday night at 9pm. There is a small fee to play (€5) which covers the cost of the room. While this club is mainly for adults - mature and experienced chess playing teenagers are welcome too as long as they are accompanied by their parents. Contact details.

Created 2010-01-08 ◦ Last updated 2014-07-23 ◦ Editor MO

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