Christmas Wishes

Jonathan O'Connor, ICU Chairperson writes: In my haste to meet the deadline for the new issue of the journal, I forgot to make the following points:

  • I would like to thank the members of the executive committee for their work and commitment. Without their efforts, we would not have a working union.
  • Over the last few months, many of you have congratulated me and offered your support. "Congratulations" isn't always the term I would use, but your good wishes are appreciated.
  • Apart from my fellow executive members, there are many other members who have stepped up to the mark when called, or when they saw an opportunity that might otherwise be missed. No doubt, I have missed a few people who should be on this list, and to them I ask forgiveness. In alphabetical order: Nicky Benson, Senator Dan Boyle, John Delaney, Michael Delaney, Philip Doyle, Paul Guinness, Eamon Keogh, Alex Lopez, Barbara Magee, and Bryan Tobin.

As this is the season for giving, and as I promised two months ago, the previously published journal issues are now accessible by everyone. To access the current issue, you must login to the web site.

Finally, may I wish all our members and friends a happy Christmas, and success in the new year, both on and off the chess board.

Created 2010-12-21 ◦ Last updated 2014-07-23 ◦ Editor JOC

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