January Rating List Updated

As a result of human errors, a number of players from a couple clubs were not included in the January rating list because they were not recorded as being members at the time, even though their subscriptions had actually been sent. These problems have now been rectified and the list republished. As a side effect, any members who had simply forgotten to renew their subscriptions but did so before today will also appear in the updated list.

We'd like to stress once again that the most efficient way to subscribe is online. Computers don't tend do things like send a cheque but forget to include a list of subscribers or move house and fail to check for mail at the old address. So please, join the 82% of members who already subscribe online and help make applying saliva to small square bits of trees and physically transporting larger rectangular bits of trees to the bank a thing of the past.

Created 2012-03-01 ◦ Last updated 2014-07-23 ◦ Editor MO

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