Annual St Benildus Handicap Blitz

St Benildus Chess club invite you to join in the fun in their annual handicap blitz in aid of charity on Wednesday 16th January. Registration is from 7:30, aiming for an 8 pm start. Prizes for the quarter-finalists and many spot prizes (donations of wine, chocolates, etc. welcome). €10 entry (though extra donations welcome), with all cash going towards the Samaritans and Simon Communities, worthy causes who welcome the donations in the post-Christmas slump. Even the weaker competitors have a chance with 8 minutes vs 2 against the stronger opponents (and there are few dull games for the higher seeds at this time control!!). Group stages mean everyone gets at least a few games (typically ~7 games min). We usually have enough sets (though a few more can't hurt), but please do bring along a clock if you can. Directions for drivers available at this link, public transport: LUAS (Kilmacud stop <5 mins) or Dublin Bus routes 75 (Lakelands housing estate <100 metres), 11 (Drummartin, Lower Kilmacud Rd <5 mins), or assorted routes for Stillorgan or Dundrum (~25 minute walk).

Created 2013-01-11 ◦ Last updated 2014-07-23 ◦ Editor MO

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