18 tournaments were rated in the January list. When the list was first published (Jan 21) there were 588 subscribed or lifetime members of the ICU: 475 with a full rating, 61 with a provisional rating and 52 without a rating (about 8% down at the same stage last year).
The list will be periodically republished as new subscriptions arrive (only paid-up members appear in the list) until the end of January. You can subscribe here if you haven't already. After January, the next ICU list will be around mid-May.
Updates (members, full, provisional):
- Jan 23: 621, 502, 67
- Jan 24: 661, 529, 74
- Jan 27: 682, 545, 78
- Jan 28: 705, 565, 81
- Jan 29: 708, 567, 81
- Feb 01: 712, 569, 81
- Mar 01: 821, 646, 96 (see this news item)
Important Announcement
For those of you who may have missed the news item which recently appeared on the home page, evidence has been discovered of unauthorised access to the database that backs this web site. This means that a 3rd party may now know the email and password you use if you have a login account. If you happen to use the same password on other sites with sensitive information (e.g. PayPal), then you should seriously consider changing your password on those other sites.
As a result of this attack we've changed our policy with regard to passwords which are now stored using a cryptographic hash function (in other words, disguised). This means your password will still function (to log you in) but cannot now be read from the database by an attacker (or, for that matter, anyone else, so there is no longer a password reminder service).
The ratings web site under development is not yet ready to perform and display ratings calculations but is still on schedule to do so later in the year. Tournament tables and historical ratings are available and this January list will appear there too soon.
Tournaments for FIDE Rating
The following tournaments (not yet complete) are registered with FIDE to be rated in the month indicated.
- March: Gonzaga
- May: 5 Leinster Leagues (Armstrong, Heidenfeld, Ennis, O'Hanlon, BEA)
- July: Lost Knights, Munster League Div 1, North Munster Individual
Tournament controllers: if there are any missing from this list that should be there, please .
Federations and DOBs
When you join as a new member (or an existing member for which the relevant information is missing), you now need to tell us your federation and date of birth. If you play your first FIDE-rated tournament in Ireland, we will register you with FIDE using these details. More details.